List of all empire total war darthmod versions
List of all empire total war darthmod versions

list of all empire total war darthmod versions

In addition, Prussia has access to a very generous pool of elite alternatives: 15 superior line infantry, and 6 life guards (superior versions of regular guards). They have slightly inferior melee skills to the very best of their opponents in this regard (Russia and Britain), but this is more than offset by their early access to bayonet technology, as well as slightly better morale and charge bonuses than average line infantry. Prussian line infantry have better charging statistics and morale than average in exchange, however, they are slightly more expensive to train and maintain. Prussia has arguably the game's best line infantry, with reloading skill most other nations can only dream of. Starting Towns/Ports – Masuria Farmland (Not Developed), Tilsit (Craft Workshop Weavers), Tannenburg (Coaching Inn).Religion – Protestantism 80.0%, Catholicism 20.0%.Starting Buildings – Barracks, Governor’s Palace, Cannon Foundry, Settlement Fortifications.Later Villages/Ports – Wismar (Town), Stetting (Town), Koslin (Town).Starting Towns/Ports – Mecklenburg Farmland (Peasant Farms), Lussatia Farmland (Peasant Farms), Rostock (Trading Port), Potsdam (Weaver’s Cottage), Magdeburg (College).Religion – Protestantism 95.0%, Catholicism 5.0%.Starting Buildings – Barracks, Cannon Foundry, Royal Palace, Conservatorium.Generals - Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau ( Berlin), Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten ( East Prussia)Įurope Theatre Berlin, Brandenburg.Missionaries – Gottfried Arnold ( East Prussia).Gentlemen – Gottfried Liebniz ( Brandenburg).Trade Partners – Poland-Lithuania, Hannover.General Information Victory Conditions Ĭapture and hold 15 regions by the end of the year 1750, including: Bohemia & Moravia, Brandenburg, Austria, Wurttemberg, Rhineland, Poland, Silesia, Bavaria, East Prussia, Hannover, Saxony, Alsace-Lorraine, Denmark, and West Prussia.Ĭapture and hold 25 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: Bohemia & Moravia, Brandenburg, Austria, Wurttemberg, Rhineland, Poland, Silesia, Bavaria, East Prussia, Hannover, Saxony, Alsace-Lorraine, Denmark, and West Prussia.Ĭapture and hold 40 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: Brandenburg. Under the right guidance, they could unite the German-speaking peoples into a single entity, dominate the Baltic and, perhaps, extend their reach far beyond the confines of Central Europe. These could form the basis of a truly world-beating army. They have the potential to become a great continental power thanks to their martial traditions, many of which can be traced back to the Teutonic Knights. Prussians have always had to fight, but that has made them competent, not bloodthirsty. The Prussians believe – not without reason – that their virtues as a people can carry them through any trouble: martial discipline, sacrifice, a sense of order, but this sense of duty should not be confused with ignorance or intolerance, no matter what others may say. And he is the king of a potentially powerful and influential Protestant nation, a centre of gravity within “the Germanies” for all those who would look elsewhere for a lead than Catholic Austria. The form of words is a fig leaf: Frederick is King. The present Kingdom of Prussia is a new state, the result of a union between the duchies of Brandenburg and Prussia, and it is a Kingdom only because the current ruler, Elector Frederick III has decided to improve his status to that of King! In doing so, however, he has been careful not to offend the Holy Roman Emperor, the Archduke of Austria, and calls himself the King “in” Prussia, not the King “of” Prussia. Prussia itself has only been “German” since the 13th Century, when the Teutonic Knights carved out a new Christian state on the Baltic coast.

List of all empire total war darthmod versions